TLDR: NATO and allied governments have embarked on a program of mass murder against their own citizens. It is becoming increasingly clear to me that these symbiotic entities are using established post-war strategies to influence and maintain control of populations utilising primarily Fear, pushed through the vast Government/intelligence-agency controlled mainstream media network. This is perhaps best illustrated by the phenomenon of professional footballers collapsing during live football matches. We the vax-free intuitively believe that these incidents should wake the public up to ongoing vax-carnage: an expectation which ignores the fact that in the absence of self-awareness the complete opposite is true.
The earliest definition of Terrorism comes from the French revolution, where the word implied an act of violence by a state against its domestic enemies. While there is no widely accepted definition, terrorism is generally accepted to involve the use or threat of violence that seeks to create Fear, not just within the direct victims but also among a wide audience of related and potential future victims.
We can learn much from relatively recent history concerning the orchestrators and the purposes of terrorism. Terror attacks have profound and far-reaching impacts on populations, affecting mental health, social dynamics, and public behavior.
As Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser records in his seminal book, NATO’s Secret Armies, an official Italian parliamentary inquiry confirmed that British MI6 and the CIA had established a network of secret “stay-behind” paramilitary armies. These covert armies carried out terrorist attacks throughout Western Europe, officially blamed on Communists in what Italian military intelligence called the ‘strategy of tension'. (Ceasefire Magazine, May 2013)
In 2013, heavily censored FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds said that the US Pentagon’s joint operations with Islamists up to the 2000’s and beyond were an “extension” (Gladio B) of the original ‘Gladio’ program uncovered in the 1970s in Italy, which was part of an EU-wide NATO covert operation that began as early as the 1940s.
During his Italian trial in 1984 Gladio operative Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game…the reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people… to turn to the State to ask for greater security.”
To bring the historical up to the present day, in early November we learned from the current Dutch health minister what many of us have suspected for years, that ‘Dutch pandemic policy operated under the direction of the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) and Defense” which must comply with “NATO obligations”. This admission explains the seemingly self-destructive actions of most Western European Governments when it came to handling the obvious Covid deception.
Just last week a professional footballer Edoardo Bove collapsed in the middle of an Italian Seria-A soccer match in Fiorentina versus Inter Milan. In normal pre-Covid-psyop/vaccination times, this now relatively common phenomenon was almost unheard of. The game was abandoned because the players were too distraught, which hasn’t happened in most previous instances of live player collapse. Previously most games carried on to completion after the player was removed from the field.
This is of course not normal. Or at least, it wasn’t normal up until a few years ago - late 2021 to be precise, following the main rollout of the Covid ‘vaccines’.
Immediately below is a very short exposition of this phenomenon that I put together at the time. It may seem at first to be whimsical anti-vaxxer schadenfreude, but I can assure you it was not. It was in fact a sincere attempt to try to engage young athletes using the very famous BBC ‘Match of the Day’ weekly football roundup show, with some humour sprinkled in - I took the ambulance scene from Father Ted. The idea as always was to try to help as many people as possible understand the intentionally harmful injection attack that was clearly being directed against them by their own Governments. To warn young and old football fans off the vaccines basically. The clip did decent numbers on twitter but was mortally suppressed. When I tried (and failed) to publish it on Youtube I could have sworn my old laptop froze because it was laughing at my naivety.
In researching and combining clips for that 2021 Vax of the day video, I watched hours of footage, much of it concerning the aftermath of what happened on the field following those collapses in the English Premier league. The players were generally ok afterwards. They seemed concerned for their fellow player of course, but the penny wasn’t dropping for any of them at that stage, the doctors were on scene and they figured everything was going to be ok, and everyone carried on with the game. Most men feel invincible up to a certain age and with professional soccer players being arguably the fittest all-round athletes in the world, they had more reason that most to be non-plussed during that key time of the first public Covid ‘vaccine’ collapses.
Contrast that with the faces on show in the first video above. Those players in Fiorentina looked truly distraught. They are in terror because a super fit friend has inexplicably fallen, because they are deathly afraid that they could easily be next, and because they know the same thing that’s inside of them is what caused Bove’s collapse.
Gladio C
It is almost certain that the majority of the crowd watching were thinking ‘this is the vaccine’. It is my sincere belief following various candid conversations in the last year or two with the vaxxed, that the vast majority of the public now knows that the ‘vaccines’ are causing most of the ‘died-suddenly’s’ and collapses: celebrities dropping dead, young kids dropping dead on football fields, untreatable turbo cancers and myocarditis in the young, and noticeably more funerals in the local community than there used to be. I also believe that this awareness is exactly what the perpetrators want.
It is my other contention that the unfolding vaccine carnage is the new terrorism. Forget bombings and shootings and airliners going down, vax death is the new weapon of mass distraction. NATO’s new Gladio C. Each widely publicised collapse of a familiar celebrity and each high-profile died-suddenly should absolutely be viewed as an individual terror attack, impacting the fear levels of hyper-engaged watching audiences in the same way a civilian bombing would have in recent decades. This of course also applies to the mainstream media widely covering the increasing phenomenon of young children dying on sports fields. The target audience in that case are men and women with children. If they wanted to hide these obvious signals, then they wouldn’t be covering these incidents in such depth. They want it out there, stalking the back of people’s minds day and night.
When the mass consciousness witnesses a perfectly healthy person drop dead on a football field, Fear is injected into them. In much the same way as a terror attack on a commuter train or a concert would have struck fear into the hearts of many millions around Europe after the 2004 Madrid bombings and the 2015 Paris Bataclan attack. Those are just two of the many possible false flags perpetrated by NATO and their franchise operatives in recent decades. “That could have been me or my family, I go to concerts…I take the train… that child collapsing could me my child. I want my Government to keep me safe”
In other words, when it comes to the Covid deception and the aligned deliberate democide via intentionally harmful injections, the baked-in aftermath seems to be one of containment through this same type of Gladio fear matrix. On one hand people may realise it was the Government who put the ‘vaccines’ inside them. But on the other hand, Fear will drive them back into their arms because Governments run their health services. The same doctors that poisoned them are the only possible saviours for the masses due to the fact that most people aren’t even aware that alternative therapies exist outside of the Rockefeller medical system.
Know thyself
When a person is aware of who or what caused their Fear, their behavior towards the perpetrator can vary significantly, depending on several psychological factors. These behaviors can create a cycle where the perpetrator's control is reinforced by the individual's fear-driven actions. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for developing strategies to support individuals and break the cycle of fear and control. The sooner we can get this conversation out into the open, the sooner people can work on mitigating the effects of these intentionally harmful bioweapons.
Fear itself is defined as ‘an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm’. Fear is known to cause multiple behavioural changes: when a Government seeks to cover up the deliberate mass murder of its own citizens, these are the exactly the types of reactions it wants to see:
Submission and Compliance: When individuals are in constant Fear, they may become more submissive and compliant to avoid further harm or punishment. This behavior can increase control for the perpetrator as it reduces resistance and dissent. In this case, the perpetrator is of course, individual Governments, whatever the uniparty stripe they’re wearing at the time: every single Irish political party pushed the untested, unnecessary vaccines on their constituents, despite the fact that they knew there was no need for vaccines given the death rate in 2020 was virtually the same as 2019 - aside from the 500+ proven murdered sick elderly people who died in empty nursing homes after they were thrown out of half empty acute care hospitals. Which was all done so that the Government had actual deaths to back up the idea of a pandemic and drive Fear.
Avoidance/Denial: Fear can lead individuals to avoid situations, places, or people associated with the threat (in many cases that’s us, the people trying to alert them). This avoidance behavior can isolate the individual and make it easier for the perpetrator to maintain control without interference, in this case mostly through government controlled mainstream media.
Helplessness and Despair: Constant Fear can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair, making individuals feel they have no control over their situation. This psychological state can make them more dependent on the perpetrator for protection or relief, further increasing the perpetrator's control. The perpetrators know our psychology, and we can’t take back our agency unless we understand our own psychology and how the mind works.
Rationalization and Justification: Individuals may try to rationalize or justify the perpetrator's actions to cope with their Fear. This cognitive process can lead to acceptance of the perpetrator's control and reduce the likelihood of resistance. When someone in is Fear, they are open to suggestion, and the implantation of ideas that serve the perpetrator. “Without vaccines I would be even sicker…professional footballers and children collapse all of the time, it’s actually more common than you think”.
So it is quite clear to me that Fear is the primary control method for Governments regarding the Covid ‘vaccine’ carnage currently unfolding across the Western world, a reality that they deliberately created. And in a sick promethean twist, their newest Fear-generation mechanisms (public collapses and ‘died suddenlys’) are an intentional by-product of the mixing of the original Fear catalyst (the fear of an apparently dangerous pandemic), with the promoted Government solution to that originally conjured pandemic Fear: namely, their intentionally harmful Covid injections. All beyond diabolical but it is true reality.
Perhaps the primary goal of the entire Covid program was maintaining population control (in the mental as well as numerical sense) through all-consuming Fear, in a time of increasing global awareness and awakening. The monetary savings, profits and joy that the individual actors derived from killing and sickening so many people looks to be a secondary benefit, primal rewards to grease the wheels of the mass murder machine.
Other thoughts: The Irish Government has more questions to answer than most, given Ireland is supposed to be neutral and not allied to NATO. Are we still a part of the United Kingdom? There is other circumstantial evidence that all is not what it seems - the UK/Irish common travel area currently supercedes the EU arrangement, in that non-EU UK citizens can work freely in Ireland without a work visa document, needing only their passport. It is also well known that Sweden avoided lockdown carnage, vaccine coercion, and mask/vaccine mandates: Sweden became a member of NATO in 2024.
I have used the word Fear above frequently, don’t let that subliminally influence you. Always try to stay positive - as explained they want you feeling emotionally negative…and in Fear.
There are alternative therapies that are helping people move through this democide - much of this information is on X/Twitter and telegram. The medical system that may have poisoned you (don’t forget that many injections were duds/stayed in the muscle/were deliberately saline) may not hold the solution to any potential problems. Conquer the fear they have created in your mind, ask more questions, and seek answers.
You can find more of my work on
Strategy of tension using a needle, way more efficient than blowing up cafés all over the place and bonus nobody goes to jail win win. The powerful do as they please, the week suffer what they must.
This is an interesting take, and dovetails nicely with Yeadon's 'toxic by design' analysis, 'strategy of tension' fit for the post-genomic age, and there's enough of the basic violence occuring anyway due to other [calculated] destabilisations.