Ludicrous Transsexual Appointed New Irish Minister for Mental Health
Mary Butler also has links to paedophile scandal in his constituency
Irish transgender and paedophile networks rejoiced this week, as a friendly face was appointed the new minister for mental health. Mary Butler probably isn’t the first trans person to occupy a seat in the Irish parliament, but he certainly is the most obvious. His new appointment is a thematic continuation of his role in the previous government as Minister of State in the Irish Department of Health with responsibility for Mental Health and Older People.
Mary Butler’s record over the past five years speaks for itself, in terms of his obvious and deliberate sabotage of mental health services in Ireland. His reappointment to a ministerial brief demonstrates the obvious contempt the Irish Prime minister and his uniparty cohorts hold for the Irish people.
Butler’s previous five years have seen a litany of undelivered promises, damning reports into mental health services, and record waiting times. Through all of this planned destruction, the lives of vulnerable children and adults have been put on hold and their life outcomes have deteriorated drastically. Only the most innocent observers will fail to consider that Butler has been reinstalled precisely because nothing will be fixed under his stewardship. The more skeletons that stay in the closet the better for the Irish health service and exchequer and the many politically connected abuse networks that prey on our most vulnerable. The syndicate knows that Butler is both deeply compromised and has much to hide (however badly), and is therefore easily controlled and a very safe pair of big hands to manage a constituency (Waterford) riddled with bubbling scandal. Some of his more notable intended failures of the past five years include:
Butler failed to reform the Mental Health Act 2001, despite this being in the 2020 program for government.
He failed to regulate Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) following damning reports by Maskey and the Mental Health Commission. Children were put at serious risk and harm was caused. These services remain unregulated today.
CAMHS waiting times for first time appointments skyrocketed under his watch, at one point more than doubling from 2,115 to nearly 4,500. This figure now stands at roughly 4000. Minister Butler’s record is an 81% increase of children waiting for CAMHS appointments.
Butler also failed to address dual diagnosis of mental ill health and intellectual disabilities, with many children refused appropriate services because they simply did not exist in their area.
When the Minister was first appointed five years ago there were only three adult eating disorder beds in the country. He promised to prioritise this and five years later and there are still only three beds.
Butler’s distinct and deliberate sabotage of the state’s mental health services leaves the door open for government-funded, agenda-led NGO’s like ‘Belongto’ etc. to pick up the slack and prey on vulnerable children.
The challenges facing Ireland in terms of mental health are immense, following five years of orchestrated Covid insanity by the organised crime syndicate running the country. For a specific example that fully demonstrates the impact of Mary Butler’s ongoing sabotage program, we need only look to Ireland’s nearest neighbour in the UK and the tragedy of the much publicised Tavistock affair. Thousands of children’s lives were destroyed through unnecessary and extreme transgender treatment programs at the now closed Tavistock clinic. It was the UK government's failure (many would say deliberate) to fund local children's mental health services that resulted in children being referred to Tavistock as a first resort rather than last. Hundreds of Irish children were also referred to Tavistock and in total, thousands of children’s lives have been destroyed because of intentionally underfunded mental health services in both countries. Butler’s re-assignment to the mental health brief is proof-positive that the current state of mental health crisis in Ireland has been given tacit approval from Micheal Martin and the gang that pulls his levers from behind the curtain.
You would be forgiven for thinking that the appointment of a clearly mentally ill transgender man to the position of minister for mental health is a new frontier in absurdity for the Irish Government. However, this kind of inversion is now official policy: Ireland’s most recent (‘gay’) Irish children’s minister - Roderic O’Gorman - is on the record as being open public friends with the self-acknowledged UK paedophile Peter Thatchell. O’Gorman is also known to have deliberately deleted files about children who were being sexually abused under the watch of his department for children, yet he was re-elected in the recent election. The children’s minister before him, Canadian Katherine Zappone, is a published witch who is probably trans or dual-sex himself. And the latest children’s minister, Norma Foley, wears crystal spider brooches in his/her official Government photos. What kind of headcase wears a crystal spider brooch?
The appointment of these people is part of a much wider war being waged by the Irish government against the nation’s children. It is worth noting that all three of the morlocks mentioned above were appointed by the same ruling Fianna Fail/Fianna Gael crime syndicate coalition that occupies power today (though make no mistake, the ‘opposition’ (controlled) Sinn Fein party is an integral theatrical part of the same fetid swamp). Regarding Butler, if you’re still not convinced by the images above that his chosen wardrobe does not match his true gender, then here is a short clip of Irish parliamentarian Michael Barry calling Mary Butler a ‘lad’ last year. Mary heckles back, as usual looking like he just escaped the set of a carry-on film.
While the term ‘lads’ can sometimes be used in Ireland to address a group of females, it is generally only used in that case by a female who is addressing other females. In the case of men using the term when addressing women, it is really only used when addressing a mixed male and female group. Barry using the specific term ‘lads’ in parliament while addressing Mary and the eunuch sitting beside him, tells us that it is highly likely that Barry was trying to make a very public point.
And thanks to the now legendary Irish Times ‘journalist’ Kitty Holland, we now know that Mary has infected at least one of his children with his own transgender curse: we found out two years ago that Mary Butler also has a transgender son/daughter. As usual, there was zero criticism or actual interrogation in the report and it was yet another another Irish government-funded propaganda special from the Irish Times.
That January 2023 Irish Times profile piece told us how proud Mary Butler was of his brave son. Kitty’s opening sentence teed up the ironic theme from the outset: ‘Mary Butler…urged parents to seek supports and advice if their child is experiencing gender dysphoria’. Supports that do not exist of course.
Details are sparse as to from where exactly Mary procured his three unfortunate children, but what we do know is that Mary has already knowingly put them all in grave danger outside of his own personal mental illness issues. We know from mainstream media reporting (from a time before all newspapers became fully funded by Government) that Mary was renting an office for many years from Brendan Kenneally, former Fianna Fail TD and director of Butler’s election campaign in 2016.
Brendan Kenneally is the cousin of one of Ireland’s most notorious paedophiles Bill Kenneally, a former tallyman for Fianna Fáil in Waterford. The Kenneally family are dynastic in the Waterford region, with TDs going back to the 1930’s, and they have considerable business connections. There will be no prizes for guessing what family own Mary.
Up until recently the Kenneally’s also had a high ranking Catholic church Monsignor in the family, Monsignor John Shine, who the inquiry found actively tried to cover up Bill Kenneally’s paedophilia through his families’ political and garda connections. Everyone in Fianna Fail stayed silent on the case of a man who has not only raped scores of boys, but who showed no remorse toward his victims, and who ‘giggled and snickered’ his way through court proceedings last year, laughing directly at his victims. He is still alive.

While it is true that Brendan Kenneally being the cousin of notorious paedophile Bill Kenneally does not mean he had anything to do with what was going on, an overlooked aspect of this scandal is that prominent Fianna Fail insider and former TD Brendan Kenneally knew about his cousin’s rape campaign against young boys as far back as at least 2001. And he said absolutely nothing to anyone to help stop it. Senior gardai in the region were also all aware and did not arrest him, even after he confessed openly in 2012.
Crucially, Mary Butler would have almost certainly been fully aware of what cousin Bill Kenneally was doing to young boys, having been around the entire Fianna Fail criminal enterprise in the very small-world of Ireland’s political South East since at least the early 2000’s. Despite this, Mary Butler still chose to put his children into the orbit of the Kenneally family by renting office space in his shared building. Mary Butler also appointed, or at least stood by the appointment, of Brendan Kenneally as Butler’s Director of elections in 2016. Both actions would have brought the Kenneallys into the extreme orbit of Butler’s children by virtue of the living-in-each-other’s-pocket nature of a major election campaign. And to top it all off, that same Brendan Kenneally, former Fianna Fail TD, is known to have personally knocked on the door of some of his paedophile cousin’s known victims while canvassing for Mary Butler. Some of those victims have gone on the record to express their disgust that this happened. Butler only moved out of the Kenneally premises when she was caught laughing at one of Bill Kenneally’s victims on social media, which was exposed live on Damien Tiernan’s radio show.
If Mary Butler can have such blatant disregard for the welfare of his own children, how can he be trusted to be in charge of the mental health of the nation’s children?
There is a price of entry into the high table of Irish politics, and it looks like Mary Butler might have paid his dues in full. The wider story of Mary Butler is the absolute tip of the iceberg regarding this country, politics and control. Child abuse is at the very centre of it all. Children’s lives are being deliberately destroyed. The fact that this person is now Ireland’s mental health minister is the perfect illustration that our nation has become an open air insane asylum (for anyone who somehow missed that fact during the last five years).
I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the now six-year delayed Grace report, which concerns a young woman with intellectual disabilities who was left in an abusive foster home in the Waterford area (Mary Butler’s area) for almost 20 years, despite a succession of sexual and physical abuse allegations. She was actually taken out of the home at one stage and then put back in. The same Garda and political networks who covered for Bill Kenneally and his powerful family were instrumental in putting non-verbal autistic ‘Grace’ through unimaginable hell for decades. The same foster home housed children from at least forty seven other families. This was a well-organised and well-connected abuse ring, and it is quite likely that there is overlap between it and the Kenneally inquiry/case mentioned above. The mentally controlled Mary Butler is a useful asset for Fianna Fail to have in place in the region in the coming years. I will be returning to the subject of abuse in autistic settings very soon with an exclusive story, so keep an eye out for that.
There is undoubtedly a localised high-level child abuse network operating in the South East in Ireland given both the Kenneally and ongoing Grace coverups, and there is every chance that the Grace report has been deliberately delayed because they are waiting for the now 83 year old Bill Kenneally to die along with others involved, so they cannot be questioned in light of any possible revelations and connections.
People often forget that Roderic O’Gorman was the compromised meat-shield used to bury the Mother and Baby home report for thirty years (I still cannot believe that actually happened in our basket case of a country, however many times I type it and despite the fact I know it to be true). The last update about the now six-year delayed Grace report indicates that Roderic O’Gorman was handed the final report in July 2024. It is therefore not surprising that we have heard nothing since.
Excellent if profoundly depressing piece, Michael. Irish politics is indeed a Muppet Show. The selections continue apace.
Truly we are governed by the dregs of a cesspool.
Thank you Micheal J Sullivan.